ContextCapture Editor

Attaching Raster Grids

Raster Grids are attached from the Raster Manager File menu (File > Attach Raster Grid). Raster Grids can be attached from a file or from an Oracle database. The Save As function is blocked for Raster Grids. All tools that use or edit the raster grid source pixels are not available. But it is possible to modify the position of a raster grid attachment.

Raster Grids can be attached in Read/Write mode but can't be placed interactively. It is also possible to use the "Raster Attachment Options" dialog when attaching a Raster Grid. The dialog is the same as for Raster Attachments except for the Color section and the Place Interactively option. The Color section is not present in the Element Info dialog either for Raster Grids.

When a Raster Grid is attached in Raster Manager, the Transparency and Invert toggles are disabled. The Tint and Transparency fields are also unavailable.